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Liturgical Calendar 2024-2025 Pdf

Written by Ban Javo Sep 18, 2022 ยท 3 min read
Liturgical Calendar 2024-2025 Pdf

A liturgical calendar is a calendar used by churches to mark the annual cycle of religious feasts and seasons. This calendar determines the dates of religious celebrations and observances such as Christmas and Easter. It is also used to determine the daily readings and prayers used during church services, along with the colors of the vestments and altar cloths used during different seasons.

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2024 Hard Cover Liturgical Desk Calendar O'Connors Church Supply
2024 Hard Cover Liturgical Desk Calendar O'Connors Church Supply from

What is a Liturgical Calendar?

A liturgical calendar is a calendar used by churches to mark the annual cycle of religious feasts and seasons. This calendar determines the dates of religious celebrations and observances such as Christmas and Easter. It is also used to determine the daily readings and prayers used during church services, along with the colors of the vestments and altar cloths used during different seasons.

What is the Liturgical Calendar for 2024-2025?

The Liturgical Calendar for 2024-2025 follows the traditional cycle of seasons and feasts in the Catholic Church. It begins with Advent, which starts on December 1, 2024, and ends with the Solemnity of Christ the King on November 23, 2025. The calendar includes all the major feasts such as Christmas, Epiphany, Ash Wednesday, Holy Week, Easter, Pentecost, and All Saints Day. It also includes the seasons of Ordinary Time, Lent, and Advent.

Why is the Liturgical Calendar important?

The Liturgical Calendar is important because it helps Christians to remember and celebrate the key events in the life of Jesus Christ and the Church. It provides a framework for worship and prayer, and helps to deepen our understanding and appreciation of the mysteries of the faith. By following the Liturgical Calendar, we can unite ourselves more closely with the Church and with our fellow believers around the world.

Where can I find a Liturgical Calendar for 2024-2025 in PDF format?

You can find a Liturgical Calendar for 2024-2025 in PDF format on many Catholic websites and blogs. These calendars are usually free to download and print, and can be a helpful resource for planning your personal devotions and liturgical celebrations. Some popular sources for Liturgical Calendars include the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB), Catholic Online, and the Liturgical Press.

How can I use the Liturgical Calendar in my spiritual life?

There are many ways to use the Liturgical Calendar in your spiritual life. You can follow the daily readings and prayers during Mass, or use them for personal meditation and reflection. You can also incorporate the themes and symbols of each liturgical season into your personal devotions and prayer life. For example, during Advent you may choose to focus on the themes of waiting and preparation, while during Lent you may focus on repentance and self-denial. The Liturgical Calendar can be a rich source of spiritual nourishment and growth.

What are some of the key feasts and seasons in the Liturgical Calendar for 2024-2025?

Some of the key feasts and seasons in the Liturgical Calendar for 2024-2025 include:

  • Advent
  • Christmas
  • Epiphany
  • Lent
  • Holy Week
  • Easter
  • Pentecost
  • Ordinary Time
  • Feast of the Assumption
  • All Saints Day
  • Feast of Christ the King

How can I incorporate the Liturgical Calendar into my family life?

The Liturgical Calendar can be a helpful tool for families who want to deepen their faith and grow together in prayer and worship. You can incorporate the themes and symbols of each liturgical season into your family devotions and celebrations. For example, during Advent you may choose to light an Advent wreath and read daily scripture passages together, while during Lent you may choose to fast and pray together, or perform acts of charity for others. The Liturgical Calendar can help to create a sense of unity and purpose within your family, and provide opportunities for spiritual growth and development.


The Liturgical Calendar for 2024-2025 is a rich and meaningful resource for Christians who want to deepen their faith and grow in their relationship with God. By following this calendar, we can unite ourselves more closely with the Church and with our fellow believers around the world. Whether we use it for personal devotion or family worship, the Liturgical Calendar can be a powerful tool for spiritual growth and transformation.

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